It turns out the Downtown Rutland Partnership and Rutland Redevelopment Authority are submitting two grants for a total amount of $48,000 to purchase.....new signs. New signs?! Who knew signs cost so much?! The purpose of said signs is to welcome travelers to downtown and point out amenities .... particularly the parking garage on West Street (really, the parking garage?!).
How about helping existing businesses establish their own websites (so few seem to have them)?
How about encouraging new businesses to setup downtown (a subsidy on the rent perhaps)?
That way when travelers and tourists visit, there's actually something there for them to see, rather than vacant stores (take a look at the number of listings on the Downtown Rutland Partnership's site) or food venues and shops that aren't open weekends when lots of travelers go exploring.
How great would it be to have a few sit down options for breakfast downtown on a weekend? I mean Clem's is great and all but it gets a bit boring week in week out. How great would it be to direct people properly to the Farmer's Market so they can sample and purchase our local wares?
Speaking of the Farmer's Market. Is it our imagination or are there decidedly less vendors at the moment? We seem to remember a Mexican guy who sold beautiful jewelry, a cupcake woman and maybe a person with homemade dips? We didn't see them today. On the plus side our favorite musician was playing today making for a pleasurable trip around the stalls.
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