The driver was not happy; his mood set off by someone's apparent failure to warm the bus up for him (the bus was seriously like an ice box). Let's call the driver Cowell, after Simon, the original Mr Nasty; except nowhere near as witty.
Anyway Cowell's mood was further darkened by some riders who complained that the bus was late. Various classic one liners followed including 'I don't care' and 'that's what they get for voting the bus down' (a reference to voters voting against funding The Bus at last week's elections).
But the most interesting comment was 'wait till the bus doesn't run for a week and see how they like that'. One rider responded, 'really', and Cowell said 'yep they'll do it'. We hadn't even left the transit center yet and Rut Girl began to fear Cowell might actually pack up his bongos and go home.
More gold followed. As we approached the always busy Court Square stop, rather than drive to the curb, Cowell remained in the left hand lane, forcing the passengers to step on to the road into the exposed right hand lane to get on the bus. Cowell then radioed the driver of the Highridge bus and boasted 'did you see that move?'. Nice.
Here's a thought Cowell. If that's the level of courtesy drivers extend their customers; that might have something to do with why they voted no.
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