What is The Rut?
The Rut is a blog dedicated to life in Rutland, Killington and Vermont in general. The Rutland Herald and other media outlets are responsible for bringing you 'the news'. The Rut is more interested in looking at 'the news' and how it impacts us as a community. And we're more interested in doing it in a slightly irreverent way.
There's a saying: 'Rutland, Vermont: where the fun never stops because it never started'. It's one of the first things we heard when we moved here in late 2009. Since then we've had nothing but fun, but things could be more fun.
The Rut is predominantly centered on Rutland and Killington, mainly because that's where we live. But from time to time, we're also going to blog about the rest of the state because sometimes we can learn how to make things better based on what others are doing well or not so well.
The Rut is our way of celebrating the good, the bad and the ugly and also about showing you things you might not necessarily see in your daily/weekly newspaper, hear on the radio or see on the telly.
Why Rutneyland?
Around the world, cities have nicknames. Rutland is often referred to as RutVegas but we prefer Rutneyland. It's like Disneyland but less expensive and depending on the attraction, there's no line. We don't mind RutVegas so sometimes we alternate between the two. It's mood dependent.
Who is Rut Girl?
That's a good question and we're not telling. Rut Girl is The Rut's eyes and ears. She lives in Rutland and she's in all of us. She's that little bit of Rutland that you carry around with you. Rut Girl likes her anonymity because it allows her to observe and report back. We think she harbors a desire to be a Bond girl. She can be a bit shy but she has made herself known to a few people so if she introduces herself, be nice and don't go telling everyone. We can tell you that she likes coffee (a lot) and a good meal. She frequents Cafe Terra and Connick's Sandwich Shop.
Additionally, The Rut and Rut Girl has an army of friends that we mention from time to time and soon we'll have a Rutneyland characters page where you can learn a little bit more about them. Every theme park has its characters and Rutneyland is no exception.
Yes, we like millions of others have jumped on the Twitter bandwagon. It's inexplicably addictive and frequently we'll tweet about things that aren't necessarily on the blog. Sometimes 140 characters is all we need. If you want to follow us, you can find us at twitter.com/rutneyland. No Facebook page but give us time....we do have real jobs too, we're no Rupert Murdoch (yet).
The Rut is always on the lookout for a good yarn. We are interested in things that are happening around Rutland, Killington and Vermont in general. You've read the blog so you should have a good idea of what we like and we're always open to considering new things!
If you've got a story or found a funny photo you think Rut Girl would like, email the details to her: rutgirl@gmail.com.
9 years ago