Some people are genuinely excited about the event (which we hope to make, but we already had plans - seriously folks, a week's notice??!!) but others are angry about the lack of agenda for the forum.
It will be interesting to see how receptive the group is to new ideas and new members. Equally it will be interesting to see how receptive non-members are to the ideas presented by the Creative Economy - the emails we've seen doing the rounds from non-members are certainly fiery.
One email we were forwarded called projects undertaken by the Creative Economy 'Disney like' and another called the projects some of the 'worst investments ever'. Harsh. Additionally, the comments portion beneath the Herald's story features some spirited debate.
We have to say the bulk of the ideas up for contemplation during the 'open ideas' portion of the forum that were outlined in today's paper didn't exactly have us in raptures. Another reason for us to try and get there to have our say. The ideas for new groups and projects includes:
- Forming a group to spearhead a comprehensive implementation of Rutland's marketing brand (there's a marketing brand?!)
- Create a downtown gateway at the train station (we're sure that's the first thing visitors will notice when they stumble off the Ethan Allen at 9.05pm at night or 11.30pm on a Friday night. How about working with Amtrak to promote the service so we can have more than one train a day?)
- Beautifying the city's gateways through landscaping and prominent signage (seriously, enough with the signage already, how about filling those vacant stores and promoting local business better?)
No matter what your position is, we think it is fantastic that there are people committed to putting Rutland back on the map so while the drama queen in us is looking forward to the potential fireworks at the forum, we hope that the passion is harnessed into positive projects that will actually make a difference.
Side note: we hate to be spelling Nazi's but a shout out to the Creative Economy - there's a glaring typo on your pages
FYI, here's some more background on the work the CE has done over the last four years.
Also, the potential ideas floated in the Herald article are merely suggestions. Ultimately, the direction of any new projects will be determined by the people who attend the Forum.
We hope you can make it on Wednesday. And bring your friends.
I will be there because, as someone who has to live and market a business here, I support a vital downtown. I will not personally debate as that is not my style and I hope that the "spirited debate" remains cordial. If petty issues and agendas get in the way of making this city the best it can be I will be sorely disappointed.
I have lived in and visited other cities that revolve around their downtowns, and what wonderful places these are! I want that for myself, my family, and this community.
I have great hope for this city - upon moving back here my husband and I committed ourselves to staying here and "making it work." This is not the city I knew growing up in the 80s and I am encouraged by the progress. But it has to keep going so it can "resonate outside of Rutland."
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