Rutland's catchphrase - see if for yourself in the window of the Center Street Saloon


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Grand Union's Grand Pickle

After a month away, our shelves were seriously bare so we hit Rutland's Grand Union for a quick restock.

With our tummies rumbling, we were easily distracted but one particular item caught our attention. A giant jar of Herr's Blossoming Onion crisps. It wasn't because we're particularly fond of crisps but rather because there was a glaring inconsistency between Herr's packaging and the sales pitch from Grand Union.

To be fair to Grand Union, Herr's crisps are apparently inspired by Outback Steakhouse's famous fried appetizer, the Bloomin' Onion (note they didn't even get the spelling right. Damn Aussies, always doing everything differently!). But at $4.99 for a giant jar, how can you go wrong?!

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